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INEOQUEST Founded in 2001, INEOQUEST is an American solutions provider for monitoring, analysing, and optimising video technology to provide end-to-end visibility to subscriber base, viewing experience, channel, and advertisement. IneoQuest’s sole focus is to address digital video delivery and its challenges, providing others with the ability to verify and assure the quality of every viewing experience, understand and expand their subscriber base, and grow their returns on capital investments and digital assets.

With more than 700 global customers in Europe, America, Asia and Latin America, it is no surprise then that Reach Media Experts believes in its strong partnership with INEOQUEST to vault Asia into ever more innovative levels of software and technology within the region.

INEOQUEST Focus Platform Acquiring data is a critical first step to understanding your video business. The Ineoquest Focus Platform is about tools that is designed to work with many data acquisition elements across any network for the purpose of collecting, processing, and correlating multiple sources of information. This real time visibility is a key to the power of the FoQus Platform.

All the tools that can be found in the iQ Engine product family complements different stages of the solutions an works both separately and together in seamless modularity.

IQ Engine: Collection & Processing Products

INEOQUEST creates video analytics software for the proactive management of video network operational workflows in complex, high demand environments. As a means to understand overall network health and examine trends, performance statistics can be used to optimize video equipment utilization, and invest in and deploy new technologies like Adaptive Bitrate and Over-the-Top video.

Real-time Aggregation & Correlation

Real-time Aggregation & Correlation solutions provide a single view of the health and performance of the entire video network in a user-friendly interface. INOQUEST provides video quality software for performance management and analysis of key video operations environments. The comprehensive data harvested by hundreds of our video monitoring probes across enormous networks is aggregated and correlated by our video management solutions to build real-time awareness of providers' video operations.

The Ineoquest Focus Platform includes:

  • Program Lineup Manager (PLM) - provides centralized management of program and transport changes. The PLM program lineup manager provides a powerful tool for the central management of program and transport changes whilst monitoring video network delivery.
  • Intelligent Video Management System for Multiscreen and OTT (iVMS ASM) - IneoQuest's video management system that provides the industry's first real-time look into the health of Multiscreen and Over-The-Top (OTT) video deployments.
  • Intelligent Video Management System for Quality and Service Assurance (iVMS 5) - holds the key to efficiently pinpoint and solve issues in your video network.
  • Comprehensive Video Monitoring with Real-Time Visibility into the Entire Network (cVOC) - is a consolidated video operations central system that provides the industry's first real-time combined look into the health of an entire video distribution channel.
  • IQDialogue ASM – formulated to ensure and monitor the same high quality viewing experience as traditional broadcast TV, the IQDialogue ASM provides monitoring for content availability and service assurance at multiple points within the ABR network. Utilize its capability of providing publishing validation in the head-end as well as monitoring post origin server to the edge of the network with both passive monitoring and active client support for deployment at any geographical location, whilst being quickly notified of packaging errors, stale manifests, missing media chunks and any HTTP errors that could impact video content.
  • cPAR or Consolidated Performance Analytics & Reporting for Digital Video –can help you consolidate high volumes of performance data collected via monitoring digital video networks. cPar is the only program of its kind that gives service providers the ability to generate comprehensive, flexible reports for historical analysis as well as reveal a network's Program Availability to manage and increase Video Quality of Service (QoS). cPAR’s Program Availability Report giving organizations the ability to address and understand their network's health through historical overviews and more detailed drill-down of failures by location and
Acquisition Product Families

Cutting edge probe technologies and meaningful metrics are the base of an effective video quality and service assurance solution, and IneoQuest's proprietary monitoring technology captures real-time quality and performance data for 1000s of video streams simultaneously across the entire video network. The Acquisition Product families are solutions that targets and measures individual parts of the video release chain – from head end/origins through core networks, CDNs, and access networks, right onto the end user device. Incorporated QoS and QoE technologies which are designed specifically for video, a new groundbreaking methodology is developed, known as ‘deep harvesting’, enabling these probes to contextualizing raw data into meaningful metrics optimized for the needs of video network operators.

The Ineoquest Acquisition Product Family range includes:

  • Inspector® family – specializes in content inspection and includes encoding, transcoding, and packaging
  • Surveyor® family – targets intelligence-gathering across video delivery networks
  • Spectator® family – device level data collection and reporting tools
INEOQUEST Inspector® family

INEOQUEST Inspector® family is all about giving you the most comprehensive digital content monitoring and visual inspection solution for production grade video assurance in live networks. Equipped with the means to simultaneously measure, decode and captures thumbnail images every second for hundreds of programs, Inspector allows video providers to correlate metrics and alarmed events to a visual representation, enabling deep drill down analysis. Inspector also provides QoS & QoE monitoring and analysis to ensure the video quality ‘on the fly’ before it goes into the distribution network. Moreover, compliance reporting is made simple by scheduling Closed Caption reports to execute automatically at regular intervals.

INEOQUEST Surveyor® family

Ineoquest’s Surveyor family products is all about intelligence gathering, be it the the core, edge or access region of managed and unmanaged networks (such as the Internet). Well suited especially to establish and track Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs), its range of products are wide enough and flexible enough to suit both linear multicast IPTV and ABR video delivery.
  • Surveyor TS®
  • Surveyor ABR Active®
  • IQDialogue® Monitors
  • Geminus® Rack Mounted Platforms
  • Cricket®
The INEOQUEST IQDialogue® family provides the industry’s only service assurance probes for control communications in the video network. They are essential to any comprehensive, holistic approach to video quality and service assurance. The IQDialogue family monitors a diverse set of video service technologies. See the products listed below.
  • IQDialogue ASM – formulated to ensure and monitor the same high quality viewing experience as traditional broadcast TV, the IQDialogue ASM provides monitoring for content availability and service assurance at multiple points within the ABR network. Utilize its capability of providing publishing validation in the head-end as well as monitoring post origin server to the edge of the network with both passive monitoring and active client support for deployment at any geographical location, whilst being quickly notified of packaging errors, stale manifests, missing media chunks and any HTTP errors that could impact video content.
INEOQUEST Geminus® family platforms are the industry’s first and most advanced 1Gb to 10Gb digital video monitoring, analysis, generation, and test tools. Based on state-of-the-art reconfigurable technology, the Geminus family offers scalability with true line rate, anywhere from 1Gb to 10Gb, Digital Video Quality & Service Assurance and Test & Measurement. The Geminus family hardware was designed as a rack mount style enclosure to ensure ease of installation and meet some strict NEBS requirements. The Geminus G10 Max and Geminus G1-T offer true line-rate network traffic generation (Stimulus).
  • Geminus G1-T
  • Geminus G10
  • Geminus G2X
INEOQUEST Cricket® Family Video Management The INEOQUEST Cricket® family is the industry’s most extensive coverage of video quality management and service assurance from video source to subscriber, offering the most cost effective way to audit, monitor, analyze and troubleshoot across different video transport technologies. The Cricket family provides a means to connect to a wide variety of interfaces; ASI, IP, QAM, 8-VSB, and more. Cricket executes remote troubleshooting through rapidly isolating and troubleshooting video quality issues. For video distribution networks, multi-dimensional video quality management can be achieved by using a combination of IneoQuest Cricket hardware probes, along with the iVMS® Video Management System.
  • Cricket QAM Plus
  • Cricket IP Plus
INEOQUEST Spectator® family

Bringing up the front user end is the Spectator tools, for accurate, device-level data collection and reporting. Spectator softwarres run their programs in the viewers device as part of the integrated player or the app to collect and report critical data of each viewing session in real time. The software reports back in AMP (Audience Measurement Platform) on the iQ family engine, so that users get aggregated viewer information on quality or behavioural patterns and statistics.
  • Spectator® Agents
  • Spectator® Now
INEOQUEST Spectator® Agents With multiple integration options available, the Spectator Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) offers a proxy based solution, whilst the Spectator Library offers tighter integration. Using Spectator-enabled player from one of the Ineoquest-enabled players to harvest the benefits of endpoint intelligence with no equipment to install.

INEOQUEST Spectator® NOW The Spectator NOW app is available from both Apple app stores and Google Playstores for Apple and Android devices. A simplified, on the go- quality test application for remote or field, this is the perfect app for speedy testing with video streaming and measurements of actual streams of your video URL for more accurate results. Ineoquest’s patented VeriStream measurement and scoring technology delivers easily understood results. Spectator NOW also measures the streaming capacity of the connection, so you can learn if your network connection can support even higher quality, such as 4K/UHD or HD 1080p.